Australian native bees are also seed dispersers. Small plants of cadaghi (Corymbia torelliana) from seed brought by the bees.
The immatures of bees, larvae and pupae, in most Meliponini bees, are incubated in hexagonal cells, forming horizontal combs, the dark brown color brood in this picture are the recent made ones, the pale combs are the ones close to emerge
Tetragonula carbonaria from Queensland can make different comb shapes, here one with triple spiral design
candied honey and pollen pots from Tetragonula carbonaria located in a macadamia plantation in Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia
Uruçu-amarela is the name of more than 50 different species of stingless bees in the genus Melipona found in Brazil, like M. rufiventris, M. flavolineata, M. mondury, among other not described yet
The honey bees or European bees are the most know species and the most breaded throughout the world, this bees store the brood and the honey in hexagonal combs made of pure wax
The stingless bees store honey in pots made with a mixture of wax from their body and gum (resing) from plants
Cluster shape brood from Friseomelitta varia
Single spiral comb from an Australian native bee Tetragonula carbonaria
Egg over larval food of Melipona fasciculata
The behavior of forcing the pollen out of a poricide anther by a bee is called milking, here a Trigona pallens milking a eggplant flower
4 Paratrigona peltata guards holding the entrance hole of theire colony