honey pots of Melipona fasciculata
to stabilize honey fermentation, inactivating the common east and bacterias living in the stingless bee honey, we could apply the thermal treatment of 65ºC for 10 min
fermented (or mature) honey from Melipona fasciculata produced in Brazil
sometimes the honey would crystallize or become granulated, adding for some smooth texture, in this picture is showing a 100% candied honey from a stingless bee from South America
honey bees are the most common honey producer in the world, this specie is responsible for almost all honey industry
fake honey became a big issue in Australia, an alternative to this is to support and buy honey from a committed and passionate beekeeper
Australian native bees produces a small amount of hone, about 1litre per year. The honey are stored in pots of wax or a mix of wax and resign
the native bee honey has more water, is more acidic and has a peculiar flavour
we commercialize native bee honey in jars of 110ml for AU$ 30